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Goa Gong, The Natural Tourism Cave In East Java Indonesia

Goa Gong ( Gong cave ) tours are tourist attractions in Paciatan  East Java. It is very cool. If you visit to pacitan, It would be nice if you took the time to look at a work of God's creation and the stunningly beautiful nature is. Goa Gong is Cave Indonesia famous tourist spot.

Where is the Tourism Goa Gong?

Goa Gong is located in the hamlet Pule, Bomo Village, District Punung, Pacitan, East Java. Of Pacitan is approximately 28Km direction Winton City Central Java. If you take a trip out of town towards Pacitan Winton, of course will be able to easily find writing a direction towards Goa Gong is on the right.

Why Visiting a gong caving Pacitan?

Goa Gong is one of the most beautiful natural attractions such as caves are located in Southeast Asia, Goa with a length of approximately 250m natural scenery in Goa beautiful and amazing.

In Goa Gong you will be able to see the beauty of stalactites and stalagmites of natural events a few hundred years ago. As the development of the era, and at the same time to facilitate the securing of visitors. Goa Gong is equipped with a rod of iron stairs and to the right and left. It is a form of service and care managers caving gong in the comfort and safety of visitors upon entering Goa Gong. Nevertheless, we still have to be careful.

In addition to the stairs and iron rod, Inside the cave gong is also equipped with lights that will help visitors to enjoy the content keindahn cave. The reflection of the light on the area within the cave gong make more beautiful scenery in Goa.

Once entered Goa Gong, you will see the stalactites and stalagmites are exposed to the reflection of light illumination. Where visitors will be able to see small spots of white crystals that sparkle just like a star. These crystals are like fences Goa.

Feel the sensation to enjoy the feel of the lights dim polish gong cave stalactites and stalagmites which result in the creation of outstanding natural beauty. And this will be an experience you will not forget.

+Most beautiful natural cave in Indonesia, + Indonesian tourist spot

+beautiful cave in south east asia

+The beautiful cave in Indonesia

Why is called Goa Gong?

If based on the above names, ie Goa Gong, of course this name was given because of something to do with Java musical instrument. Namely Gong. While the name is given because of the stone which if hit would sound like one of the Javanese musical instrument called Gong. Besides this, Goa used to be when night is often a noise like the sound of Gong.

Other facilities in Goa Gong Pacitan

What are you worried about when to travel ?, dining, The prayer or anything else ?. If it becomes a thing that you think, you do not need to worry. Because Goa Gong around the tourist areas you will easily find restaurants, Toilet And for tourists who want to bring souvenirs can be bought in some souvenir shops there.

What are you afraid of benighted so would confuse stay ?, Do not worry, because in Pacitan there are several hotels that can be used to rest all enjoy the beauty of Pacitan night.

How to Travel to Goa Gong Pacitan?

For travel towards Goa Gong Pacitan, you can journey through the three cities around Pacitan. Namely Ponorogo, Trenggalek and wonogiri City. journey of the Three Cities will be very enjoyable. Why is that?

Towards Goa Gong tour of Ponorogo

The journey to the cave tour of Ponorogo gong will be very exciting, where we will be able to see the beauty of the mountains between Ponorogo - Pacitan. Lots of trees and rocks of the mountains. In addition to scenic beauty of the trees and rocks, we will also see the beauty of the river to the left of the trip. After reaching the city pacitan, towards Goa Gong For You take the direction towards wonogiri.

Towards Goa Gong tour of the Trenggalek

Trenggalek journey from the district takes a little longer. Although a bit longer and more distant relative, I am sure you will still be happy. Because you will be able to see the beauty of the lush forests and picturesque hills. In addition, the city Pcaitan ahead until you will be able to see the beauty of the beach Soge  and Pindaan on the left. Beautiful views of the sea coast to the town seemed to Bali Indonesia.

Towards Goa Gong tour of Wonogiri

Are you from Yogyakarta, Solo, Sukoharjo or Klaten ?, You can go to the cave gong ( Goa Gong ) pacitan to pass Wonogiri district is famous for its beautiful ( Reservoir Gajah Mungkur )Waduk Gajah Mungkur. Travel to Goa Gong from wonogiri District will also be fun. Because you will see the beauty of hill forest with beautiful trees. If traveling to tourist goa gong Pacitan of Winton, Location of Goa gong were before entering the town of Pacitan. Upon entering wonogiri pacitan border, you will see directions to tour Goa Gong is on the right.

Travel to Goa Gong travel through Winton Ponorogo and can be reached by vehicle or private car or public transportation. Whereas if the Trenggalek I do not know for sure whether or not by public transport. For those who use public transport services, to facilitate travel should you go down the Pacitan bus terminal, and from the bus terminal you can use the other means of transportation to the area where the gong was caving.

Similarly article interesting sights such as Goa in East Java of Nature In Java and Yogyakarta. Hopefully this article useful for us all. You also can visit other interesting sights article below;

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